Dantian Awakening
Tréning čchi
Aktivácia dantianu je jedna z najdôležitejších častí tréningu ovládania čchi, teda pri štúdiu Kung Jing Tao.
Trénujte denne!
Tieto štyri praktické cvičenia sú neoddeliteľné. Nie je možné ich vynechať. Tréning musí byť na dennej báze. Sila čchi závisí od tréningu!
Shen Fa aka roots aka grounding
To start out, get in a comfortable standing position.
Imagine roots shooting out of your feet and burrowing into the ground, where they tap into the earth's energy supply and start absorbing energy. Picture the roots sucking in energy given by the earth, and taking the energy up, through your legs, and into your body and being stored in your dan tien. When your breathe in, visualize fresh energy interring your body through the roots, and when you breathe out, visualize the used up energy in your body.
Now, visualize your Dantien. Breathe deeply, in through your nose, out through your mouth. When your breathe in, visualize fresh energy in your Dantien. Mostly blue or white color. Make it larger and more powerful. When your breathe out send the energy to your stomach. Repeat until you fill whole body. After you feel your chi in your whole body send it down the the ground. Do not worry to connect the both energies. Make your roots strong and large. You can use whatever imagination you want - roots or energy roots, but do it all from your Dantian.
Exercise for Dantian training.
To start out, get in a comfortable standing position.
Close your eyes and visualize your Dantien. Breathe deeply, in through your nose, out through your mouth. When your breathe in, visualize fresh energy in your Dantien. Mostly blue or white color. Make it larger and more powerful. When your breathe out send the energy to your stomach. Repeat until you fill whole body. Do this after you get it.
12 practical exercises Xi Sui Jing by Bodhidharma (aka Damo /Tamo) for the chi cultivation, development and control
Yi Jin Jing (Muscle/Tendon Changing Classic) and Xi Sui Jing (Tendon Transformation and Marrow-Purification Classic) the legendary Bodhidharma's timeless classics have been considered as Treasure Arts of Songshan Shaolin Temple.
Bodhidharma's Xi Sui Jing [Tendon-Transformation and Marrow-Purification] is one of the most revered internal Wugong exercises of the Shaolin Monastery. Practicing Bodhidharma's Xi Sui Jing cleanses and purifies not only the body but also the mind through the regulation and enhancement of the body's internal energy [Qi], blood, fluids, and nutrients.
Jing, practical exercises for the Jing development